Welcome to the CYRES Academy On-Demand Video CourseOverview ISO SAE 21434 (G1_5)”.

This video course is of particular importance since, we summarize and go through an overview of the ISO/SAE 21434.

After watching this video, you will be able to explain the history and evolution as well as define the scope and application area of the ISO/SAE 21434

Please note: This video is based on content from ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Road Vehicles - Cybersecurity Engineering.

This video contains six topics:

I. Intro to the overview ISO SAE 21434
In the intro you will get to know what you will learn in this video course which will lead you to a better understanding of what the ISO/SAE 21434 standard is.

II. Importance of the overview of ISO SAE 21434

Here's why the overview of ISO/SAE 21434 is important.

III. Standardizing Cybersecurity engineering

In this part of the course, we will review the current situation in the automotive industry and explain what the objective of the standard means for the automotive industry. Furthermore, we will compare ISO/SAE 21434 to SAE J3061.

IV. ISO/SAE 21434 Details

Here we will have a detailed look on the ISO/SAE 21434 applications and clauses.

V. ISO/SAE 21434 Requirements

Here we will have a detailed look on the ISO/SAE 21434 structure, requirements, and will provide explanation related to each clause.

VI. Sum Up

Finally, here we will sum up what you have learned about ISO/SAE 21434 structure and requirements

Course plan

All Videos
G1_5 II. Importance of the overview of ISO SAE 21434
G1_5 III. Standardizing Cybersecurity engineering
G1_5 IV. ISO/SAE 21434 Details
G1_5 V. ISO/SAE 21434 Requirements
G1_5 VI. Sum Up