Now that you know the three different dimensions in the automotive ecosystem and know in detail what cryptography entails, in this video course “In-vehicle cybersecurity controls: Access control, secure on/off-board communication, network segmentation and isolation (G11_5)” we will dive into three of the cybersecurity control groups including access control, secure on/off-board communication, and network segmentation and isolation.

The first part of the video will focus on access control starting with its objective and then giving you examples of a logical control measure, from a software standpoint firewalls and from a hardware standpoint tamper -proof enclosures. We will define and explain both in detail.

Additionally, we will also explain the additional two control measures mentioned above, the secure on/off-board communication controls such as secure protocols and diagnostic security, and network segmentation and isolation controls such as gateways and virtual local area networks (VLANs).

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G11_5 In-vehicle cybersecurity controls: Access control, secure on/off-board communication, network segmentation and isolation