How does secure software development succeed in accordance with ISO/SAE 21434? This is what this introductory video course "Cybersecurity Software development Measures (G14_4)" is about.

We will start by showing you the overall context of software development within product development using the commonly known V-model structure.

We then move on to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 - which does not contain any very specific requirements with regard to software development, but does provide overarching requirements for processes and recommendations, which will be examined in this part of the video course.

Here we look in particular from Clause 10 Product development at the requirements RQ-10-05, RQ-10-09 and RQ-10-12, in order to then give a list of measures, how software development can take place here in compliance with the standard.

We will go through the following measures one after the other:

  • Coding guidelines, rules and standards

  • Static and dynamic code analysis,

  • SW compilation analysis,

  • Memory checkers

  • and Testing in Continuous Integration (CI) and Continous Development (CD) frameworks.

(Please also refer to supplementary video courses on this platform).

The video course has a total length of approx. 15 minutes.

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G14_4 Cybersecurity Software development Measures