In Automotive cybersecurity, continuous monitoring of cybersecurity activities is critical to maintaining the integrity of any system. It starts with Cybersecurity monitoring. That’s why in this video course “Cybersecurity Monitoring and Event Evaluation (G10_3)” we will discuss what cybersecurity monitoring is and how it plays a role in determining event evaluation and the overall vulnerability of the cybersecurity model created for a system.

We start by clarifying how the continuous cybersecurity activities process looks like and where does Cybersecurity monitoring fit in that process. Then, we will deep dive into what cybersecurity monitoring encompass and how we derive cybersecurity information in order to triage it and determine if it is relevant to a certain item or not. Finally, we will explain to you what the criteria is for determining the relevance of information to an item.

In the second part of the video, we begin by exploring the benefits of applying Cybersecurity monitoring design and how it correlates with Continuous cybersecurity activities expenses. Then, we explain further how triaging works and how to determine relevancy. Finally, we will start explain to you what event evaluation mean and how the process of this activity looks like for us to eventually identify threats and reach the CS vulnerability analysis phase.

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G10_3 Cybersecurity Monitoring and Event Evaluation